
If you’d like to try an alternative to classic porcelain, then Tonda is the perfect complement to your home.





    Button Padding

    Powerful element button can be called anywhere with
    multiple choices of color, size and much more

    Button Radius Sizes

    The angles of the borders can be curved to a different 
    radius for each border alone or together as one.

    Button Border Type

    Variety of border types can be applied for each button
    differently, also the size can be changed for each corner.

    Button Border Width

    The border width can be easily enhanced for each
    corner differently, or you can link them all together.

    Button Left Icon

    You can insert any icon from the font awesome
    library right before the button text or after it.

    Button Right Icon

    The border width can be easily enhanced for each
    corner differently, or you can link them all together.

    Button Type

    Different types can be selected for the button, when you
    select over a type of button new skin will be attached.

    Button Color

    The colors from the default are not the only that you can
    apply to a button, freely to select any color from color picker.

    Button Hover Color

    The same options are attached for the button hover,
    freely to select any color from color picker.

    Button Hover Animation

    More than 30 hover animations can be chosen,
    for the animation of the button on mouseover.

    Button Typography

    Change the font family from more than 600 google fonts, or other 
    font properties like letter spacing, line-height and much more.

    Button Box Shadow

    The box shadow can be combined with all the
    perspective properties like blur, spread and lines.

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